Beta Src.lua LINK
Here is a chronology of the versions of Lua.The evolution of Luais documented in apaperpresented atHOPL III,the Third ACM SIGPLAN History of Programming Languages Conference,in 2007.The source code and documentation for all releases of Lua is available in thedownload area.Numbering schemeThe releases of Lua are numbered x.y.z,where x.y is the version and z is the release.Different releases of the same version correspond tobug fixes.Different releases of the same version have the samereference manual,the same virtual machine, and are binary compatible (ABI compatible).Different versions are really different.The API is likely to be a little different(but with compatibility switches),and there is no ABI compatibility:applications that embed Lua and C libraries for Lua must be recompiled.The virtual machine is also very likely to be different in a new version:Lua programs that have been precompiled for one version will not load in a different version.Lua 5.4Lua 5.4was released on 29 Jun 2020.Itsmain new featuresarea new generational mode for garbage collection andconst and to-be-closed variables.The current release isLua 5.4.4,released on 26 Jan 2022.We are getting ready to releaseLua 5.4.5.Lua 5.3Lua 5.3was released on 12 Jan 2015.Itsmain new featuresareintegers,bitwise operators,a basic utf-8 library,and support for both 64-bit and 32-bit platforms.The current release isLua 5.3.6,released on 25 Sep 2020.There will be no further releases of Lua 5.3.Lua 5.2Lua 5.2was released on 16 Dec 2011.Itsmain new featuresareyieldable pcall and metamethods,new lexical scheme for globals,ephemeron tables,new library for bitwise operations,light C functions,emergency garbage collector,goto statement,andfinalizers for tables.The last release wasLua 5.2.4,released on 07 Mar 2015.There will be no further releases of Lua 5.2.Lua 5.1Lua 5.1was released on 21 Feb 2006.Its main new features werea new module system,incremental garbage collection,new mechanism for varargs,new syntax for long strings and comments,mod and length operators,metatables for all types,new configuration scheme via luaconf.h,and afully reentrant parser.The last release wasLua 5.1.5,released on 17 Feb 2012.There will be no further releases of Lua 5.1.Lua 5.0Lua 5.0was released on 11 Apr 2003.Its main new features werecollaborative multithreading via Lua coroutines,full lexical scoping instead of upvalues,andmetatables instead of tags and tag methods.Lua 5.0 also introducesbooleans,proper tail calls,and weak tables.Other features arebetter support for packages,new API for loading Lua chunks,new error handling protocol,better error messages,and much more.Lua 5.0 was the first version to be released under thenew license.The last release wasLua 5.0.3,released on 26 Jun 2006.There will be no further releases of Lua 5.0.Lua 4.0Lua 4.0was released on 06 Nov 2000.Its main new features weremultiples states,a new API,"for" statements,and full speed execution with full debug information.Also,Lua 4.0 no longer has built-in functions:all functions in the standard library are written using the official API.The last release wasLua 4.0.1,released on 04 Jul 2002.There will be no further releases of Lua 4.0.Lua 3.2Lua 3.2was released on 08 Jul 1999.Its main new features werea debug libraryandnew table functions.The last release wasLua 3.2.2,released on 22 Feb 2000.There will be no further releases of Lua 3.2.Lua 3.1Lua 3.1was released on 11 Jul 1998.Its main new features wereanonymous functions andfunction closures via "upvalues".(Lua 5.0 brought full lexical scoping and dropped upvalues.)This brought a flavor of functional programming to Lua.There was also support for multiple global contexts;however, the API was not fully reentrant(this had to wait until Lua 4.0).Lua 3.1 also saw amajor code re-organization and clean-up,with much reduced module interdependencies.Lua 3.1 also adopted double precision for the internal representation of numbers.Lua 3.0Lua 3.0was released on 01 Jul 1997.Its main new feature wastag methods as a powerful replacement for fallbacks.Lua 3.0 also introduced auxlib,a library for helping writing Lua libraries,and support for conditional compilation(dropped in Lua 4.0).Lua 2.5Lua 2.5was released on 19 Nov 1996.Its main new features werepattern matching and vararg functions.Lua 2.4Lua 2.4was released on 14 May 1996.Its main new features werethe external compiler luac,an extended debug interface with hooks,and the "getglobal" fallback.Lua 2.3Lua 2.3 was never released publicly; it only existed as a beta version.Lua 2.2Lua 2.2was released on 28 Nov 1995.Its main new features werelong strings,the debug interface,better stack tracebacks,extended syntax for function definition,garbage collection of functions,and support for pipes.Lua 2.1Lua 2.1was released on 07 Feb 1995.Its main new features wereextensible semantics via fallbacksand support for object-oriented programming.This version was described in ajournal paper.Starting with Lua 2.1,Lua became freely available for all purposes,including commercial uses.Lua 1.1Lua 1.1was released on 08 Jul 1994.This was the first public release of Lua and is described in aconference paper.Lua 1.1 already featuredpowerful data description constructs,simple syntax,and a bytecode virtual machine.Lua 1.1 was freely available for academic purposes;commercial uses had to be negotiated, but none ever were.Lua 1.0Lua 1.0was never released publicly,but it was up and running on 28 Jul 1993,and most probably a couple of months before that.Last update:Mon Mar 27 23:24:03 UTC 2023
beta src.lua
Note: If you bought the extension on marketplace and would like to try out the beta, send me an email from your purchase email with your purchase date and reference number (you can find these on Purchases page), and I'll send you an Itch key - Marketplace does not support having multiple "branches" for the same asset.
Project LUALUBIT implements bitwise operators into Lua programming language directly into core code instead of library module. Based on : -5.2.0.tar.gz
-5.2.0-beta.tar.gz 2011-07-08
I decided to use Xfire nano Rx on my Beta75, I followed the LUA script instructions but only get the PID values, the rest of the pages for betaflight lua have no values. Is this just the Beta75x board or have i missed a step? Does bf.lua get dropped into both scripts and Telemetry folders?
Just received a new XSR-M receiver. Replaced an old X4r-sb on a quad with Betaflight F3 FC and Tramp HV, where everything worked, telemetry, lua script, including PID and VTX settings. Latest betaflight and opentx. With the new XSR-M telemetry did not work at all initially until I flashed the latest firmware (dated 06-09). However, the lua script does not work any more. Only dashes are displayed, for both PID and VTX settings. I am starting to think that it is related to that particular receiver?
Note: When this post was written and published, Google Flutter beta had not yet been announced. What effect Flutter will have on the job market, community engagement, and Dart's trajectory is yet to be determined. Stay tuned to see how this will change the list in 2019.
Note: LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3, the version provided in recent Debian-baseddistributions, including Ubuntu and Raspbian, has a bug with embedded bytecodeloading on 32-bit platforms that prevents the LuaRadio shared library modulefrom loading correctly. This includes Raspberry Pis running a 32-bit OS. UseLuaJIT version 2.0.5, or a newer 2.1.0 beta, to run LuaRadio from the sharedlibrary module. Alternatively, install LuaRadio as a Lua module as describedabove, or run LuaRadiodirectly from the repository.
Many of the Ghostwriter features are already available for Hacker subscribers, and more are coming. Ghostwriter Complete Code will be in closed beta for the next few months as we continue to make improvements to it. If you're interested in trying out, please sign up here.
where p_i,j is the attention probability of the j-th target word y_j on the i-th source word x_i, X is the source length, Y is the current target length and \beta is the coverage normalization coefficient -coverage_norm.
The application was improved with scripting support. Also iterfacing possibilities were extended (FSX variables, FSUIPC).Today first beta version was released and I'm looking for help with testing. The 2.0beta version can be downloaded here. Scripting possibilities are documented on special page.Any feedback is appreciated at my email or support forum.French language file must be enhanced with new strings. Please feel free to send me new version.Also note that version 2.0 uses xml configuration file instead of old ini. The content will be automatically converted once you run 2.0 first time. Then ini file can be deleted.This version is beta. Please test only at your own risk.
Edit: It's only in the beta branch and only with mods, so it's probably an issue somewhere with the new patch and a certain mod, although I can't narrow it down anymore. Oh well, doesn't matter too much.
namevaluedefinition.cancelstepinteger >= 1/trueBy default, lanes are only cancellable when they enter a pending :receive() or :send() call. With this option, one can set cancellation check to occur every N Lua statements through the line hook facility. The value true uses a default value (100).It is also possible to manually test for cancel requests with cancel_test()..globalstableSets the globals table for the launched threads. This can be used for giving them constants. The key/value pairs of table are transfered in the lane globals after the libraries have been loaded and the modules required.The global values of different lanes are in no manner connected; modifying one will only affect the particular lane..requiredtableLists modules that have to be required in order to be able to transfer functions they exposed. Starting with Lanes 3.0-beta, non-Lua functions are no longer copied by recreating a C closure from a C pointer, but are searched in lookup tables.These tables are built from the modules listed here. required must be a list of strings, each one being the name of a module to be required. Each module is required with require() before the lanes function is invoked.So, from the required module's point of view, requiring it manually from inside the lane body or having it required this way doesn't change anything. From the lane body's point of view, the only difference is that a module not creating a global won't be accessible.Therefore, a lane body will also have to require a module manually, but this won't do anything more (see Lua's require documentation).ATTEMPTING TO TRANSFER A FUNCTION REGISTERED BY A MODULE NOT LISTED HERE WILL RAISE AN ERROR..gc_cbfunction(Since version 3.8.2) Callback that gets invoked when the lane is garbage collected. The function receives two arguments (the lane name and a string, either "closed" or "selfdestruct")..priorityintegerThe priority of lanes generated in the range -3..+3 (default is 0).These values are a mapping over the actual priority range of the underlying implementation.Implementation and dependability of priorities varies by platform. Especially Linux kernel 2.6 is not supporting priorities in user mode.A lane can also change its own thread priority dynamically with lanes.set_thread_priority()..package tableIntroduced at version 3.0.Specifying it when libs_str doesn't cause the package library to be loaded will generate an error.If not specified, the created lane will receive the current values of package. Only path, cpath, preload and loaders (Lua 5.1)/searchers (Lua 5.2) are transfered.Each lane also gets a global function set_debug_threadname() that it can use anytime to do as the name says. Supported debuggers are Microsoft Visual Studio (for the C side) and Decoda (for the Lua side).Starting with version 3.8.1, the lane has a new method lane:get_debug_threadname() that gives access to that name from the caller side (returns "" if unset, "" if the internal Lua state is closed). 041b061a72