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New Cunts 88 December 1999 High Quality

Another two tours later (the first in America with Murder One, the second in Japan), Anal Cunt recorded what would be their last album on Earache Records, It Just Gets Worse, which was released at the end of their 1999 European tour with Flächenbrand. The album was surrounded by much controversy: the label changed some of the song titles and also censored the lyrics to two of the songs.

New Cunts 88 December 1999

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Despite being dropped by their label (although Earache did later make them an offer to come back, which they turned down) and Linehan leaving again in September 1999, Anal Cunt continued on, now with John Gillis on drums. Some more touring and a few releases followed, such as the Defenders of the Hate EP and a split 7-inch with Flachenbrand (who had opened for AC on their 1999 German tour). There was also a Defenders of the Hate tour in 2001, featuring two legs: one to California and back in June, and one to Texas and back in September. The band released a limited tour edition of the record as part of the tour. Anal Cunt issued an official press release at the end of December 2001 saying that they had broken up again. This time, the band seemed to have permanently disbanded, with only a few compilation tracks and the Very Rare Rehearsal from February 1989 CD being released.

The 1999 album It Just Gets Worse took the idea of intentional offense a step further with more extreme examples of racism and sexism. Examples include "You're Pregnant So I Kicked You in the Stomach", "I Lit Your Baby on Fire" and "Women: Nature's Punching Bag". The lyrics to two of the songs on this album were altered, and one of the songs on this album had its name changed from "Conor Clapton Committed Suicide Because His Father Sucks" to "Your Kid Committed Suicide Because You Suck", because they were working for a record label in Britain, where libel laws are very stringent. Another song on the album called "Easy E Got Aids from F Mercury" contains the lyrics "Now Freddie's dead and he's in heaven; at his wake you ate watermelon".

3. Barbara Kruger (The Geffen Contemporary, Los Angeles, 1999) Barbara Kruger made the Geffen sizzle. For this powerhouse of a retrospective, she carved the immense space into three broad swaths of image and words, creating an enormous installation that served as frame and format for a dizzying production spanning three decades. In the face of her take-charge Geffen performance, one saw it in an instant: For Kruger, standard venues are too damn small.

By establishing special rules forgays and lesbians that do not apply to heterosexuals, the "don't ask, don'ttell" policy codified anti-homosexual discrimination. By stigmatizinghomosexuality, the policy has also perpetuated prejudice against and invitedharassment of gay servicemembers. In theory, all servicemembers are to betreated with dignity and respect regardless of sexual orientation. Inpractice, gay servicemembers endure anti-gay remarks, name-calling, threats,and even physical attacks. In the case of Private First Class Barry Winchell,homophobia led to murder: a fellow soldier wielding a baseball bat beatWinchell to death in 1999. Female servicemembers are subjected to anadditional form of harassment-"lesbian-baiting"-whereby male servicememberslabel as lesbians women who rebuff their sexual advances or who do not act"feminine" enough, a label that threatens their careers.

Military sociologists Charles Moskos and Laura Millerhave conducted periodic surveys within the armed forces regarding attitudestowards homosexuals. In 1992, they found that 77percent of army men and 34 percent of army women opposed or strongly opposedgays in the military. In August 1998, the percentage had dropped to 52 percentamong men and 25 percent among women.[40] Inanother study, researchers found a significant change in the attitudes of Navyofficers over a five-year period in the 1990s. In 1994, 58 percent agreed orstrongly agreed that they felt uncomfortable in the presence of gays. By1999, that percentage had dropped to 36 percent.[41] In the same study, 39 percent said they personallyknew a homosexual servicemember.[42]

The Department of Defense hasrecognized that homosexual servicemembers may be afraid to report incidents ofanti-gay harassment for fear the subsequent investigation may uncover theirsexual orientation. A 1997 memorandum by Under Secretary of Defense Edwin Dornexplained that, "the fact that a servicemember reports being threatened becausehe or she is said or is perceived to be a homosexual shall not by itselfconstitute credible information justifying the initiation of an investigationof the threatened servicemember."[69] In 1999,the Pentagon issued a revised guidance addressing the same problem. Theguideline stated:

As a six-month tour loomed, hesubmitted a letter to his command stating that he was a homosexual, and he wasdischarged in June 1999. He told Human Rights Watch he made the statementbecause of fear and his knowledge of a 1992 case in which a gay seaman wasbeaten to death, in what is widely believed to be a killing motivated byanti-gay hatred.[82]

While based at Camp Pendleton,California in 1999, a Marine lance corporal heard frequent threats by marinesagainst homosexuals including such comments as: "If I see a faggot, I'm gonnakill him;" "I'll beat those goddamned homos until they're dead;" "Let's go to agay bar this weekend and fuck some queers up."[87] Fearing for his own safety, the corporal sought a discharge under the "don'task, don't tell," policy. In his letter to his commander acknowledging hishomosexuality he stated, "... the only way I can protect myself from this veryreal threat of verbal and physical harassment or a possible investigation intomy sexual orientation is by making this disclosure to you."[88]

In 1999, a petty officer on the USSBarry wrote a letter to a civilian friend confiding that he was bisexual. The letter disappeared before he was able to mail it. A short time later, hewas kicked in the face while sleeping onboard. Threatening statements and actsfrom shipmates followed, with one stating that he had heard "the guy who waskicked ... is a fag. I'd like to find the guy who kicked him because hedeserves a medal." While in the bathroom, other sailors told the pettyofficer, "We don't need faggots on ship" and that something should be done to"get rid of them." Fearing for his safety, the petty officer sought and wasgranted a discharge under the policy.[89]

In 1999, two female airmen at the DefenseLanguage Institute (DLI) in Monterey, California acknowledged they werelesbians and sought discharges because of anti-gay harassment.[90] Fellow airmen had repeatedly asked them whether they were involved with eachother; the airmen called them "lipstick lesbians." A male airman asked one whyshe would want a woman when she could "have this," pointing to himself. Another airman called them "pussy suckers." According to the women, anti-gaycomments and threats were common at DLI, with one of them stating that anotherstudent had said, "If I ever found out someone is a faggot, I would kill himbecause faggots do not belong in the military." One of the women wrote in herstatement acknowledging that she was gay that she sought a discharge becauseshe was in "constant fear of being investigated by the command or harmed byservicemembers because of the constant comments and rumors about my sexualorientation." She also wrote, "I cannot serve my country in good conscienceknowing that my classmates don't want me here and could possibly physicallyharm me if they suspected or learned that I am in fact gay."

The case of Steve May is highly unusual,because of the context in which his "statement" of homosexuality was made, thepublicity his case garnered, and his ability to defeat the army's dischargeeffort. A Republican state legislator in Arizona, May had served in the Armyas a lieutenant and then became a reservist. In a heated debate in the Arizonastate legislature about health care benefits for same-sex partners in February1999, during which other representatives made anti-gay comments and said thathomosexuals were immoral, May could not contain himself. He stated that "thislegislature takes my gay tax dollars, and my gay tax dollars spend the same asyour straight tax dollars. If you're not going to treat me fairly, don't takemy money."[98] As a resultof his statement, the Army moved to discharge him.

Gay and lesbian servicemembersbelieve reports of harassment are inadequately investigated and thoseresponsible rarely held accountable. According to the Servicemembers LegalDefense Network, not one servicemember was held officially accountable forasking, pursuing, or harassing during the policy's first six years; in 2000,three officers were punished for their involvement in publicized incidents.[114] Anti-gay prejudice may have contributed to the inadequate implementation of the1999 guidelines. One Marine lieutenant colonel's private response to theguidelines vividly manifests that prejudice:

At Andrews Air Force Base, Senior AirmanJosé de Leon wrote a letter to his commander in October 1999, acknowledgingthat he was gay, and was subsequently discharged. He wrote, "I mostly feargetting beat because of the way I am. I always watch my back where ever I go."[127] In his letter, he referred to an incident in which an airman who became angryduring a basketball game told de Leon, "If you ever touch me again, I'll kickyour faggot ass!" He said that anti-gay comments were common on the base andthat rumors about his sexual orientation were circulating.[128] De Leon's squadron commander, Lt. Col. Dave Howe, told Human Rights Watch thatthe airman who had harassed de Leon was given "fair warning" that he might bedisciplined if he did something similar again.[129]

In August 1999, during training inPensacola, Florida, superiors and peers repeatedly questioned Marine PrivateFirst Class Timothy Smalley, Jr. about his sexual orientation because of theway he stood and walked. A corporal told him, "If I beat you up, would youtell anyone? In the fleet, some people wake up with black eyes for no reason."[130] After training, he was assignedto the same base as the officer who had threatened to assault him. Fearing forhis safety, he sought and was granted a discharge under the "don't ask, don'ttell" policy. He was discharged in December 1999. An investigation into theharassment and threats was initiated, but Human Rights Watch does not know theoutcome. 041b061a72

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